Soul Winners for Jesus Christ

non-denominational evangelistic association

The main focus of our hands-on ministry is working with the less fortunate.

Pastor Scott's Video Sermons

Deity of Christ - Part 1

Deity of Christ - Part 2 - Be of Good Cheer

Deity of Christ - Part 3 - Jesus Declared and Displayed

Deity of Christ - Part 4 - His Supremacy

Deity of Christ - Part 5 - He Has All Power

Deity of Christ - Part 6 - Our Eternal Salvation

Find Out What Pleases The Lord

The Doctrine of Transformation

Doctrine of Transformation - The Critical Process

Transformation What you set your mind on

You are Sanctified Once and Eternally

Gifts of the Godhead Introduction

The Crucified Christ

Your Sanctification is Glorious and for HIS Glory

The Divine Ministries of The Lord in Our Sanctification

Receiving the Lord's Sanctification in You

Gift of the Godhead Lesson 1 Ephesians 4

Gifts of the Godhead - Gift of Leadership

Gifts of the Godhead - Gift of Giving

Times of Evangelism: What we Need to Understand to be Well Prepared

The Sinless Christ, Man Learning from HIM how to Remain Victorious Through the Time of Temptations

The Giving of The Holy Spirit

The New Covenant Ministries of the Blessed Holy Spirit

Understanding the Reason Why the Holy Spirit is Given to the Born Again Believer

Powered by The Holy Spirit - The Foundational Character Qualities

Foundational Character Qualities 2

Foundational Character Qualities 3

Foundational Character Qualities 4

Foundational Character Qualities 5

The Holy Spirit Gives Power to be His Witnesses

The Holy Spirit Gives Power to Us to Walk in Foundational Godly Character

Redemption in Christ Introduction

Redemption's Sacrifice has Set Us Free from the Bondage of Sin

Redemption that Jesus Christ Purchased has Provided Liberty from the Bondage of the Sinful Nature

Christ's Redemption Sacrifice: he Gave it All and Expects All from Us

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Salvation Can Only be Found in Christ Alone

What is the Real Cost of Worry

Worry is Dangerous, What are the Spiritual Remedies

How does a Person Receive The Holy Spirit

What is our Duty unto The Blessed Holy Spirit?

If We Desire to be Holy Spirit Led, it Begins with a Heart that is AWE STRUCK

What is our Duty Towards The Holy Spirit in Light of the Mercy We Have Received?

Spiritual Remedies from Scripture to End the Sin of Worry

Doubt, Unbelief, and Lack of Trust all Contribute to Worry

Worry and its Consequences: Our Responses to Worry Really Matter

The Holy Spirit - Where is He Leading Us

Why do Men Die? How Shall We Live?

Crossing from Death into Life

From Dead to God to Alive in Christ to Welcome to Heaven the Abode of The Almighty God

The Provision of The Lord for the Judgment Seat of Christ

For this Reason I Bow my Knee, for I am in Need of Humility

Learning how to Love Biblically

Celebrate Christ the Savior

Christ Our King is Calling Us to Stand and Pray Against the Unacceptable in our Land and Time

God's Calendar Plans One Second After Your Last Breath - Part 1

God's Calendar Plans One Second After Your Last Breath - Part 2

God's Calendar Plans One Second After Your Last Breath - Part 3

God's Calendar Plans One Second After Your Last Breath - Part 4

Our Need of Hope in These Last Days

Walking in Your Kingdom Identity Co-laboring with Christ in His Mission

The Eternal Hope we have in Christ Gives us Power to Stand in Times of Trouble

Our Need To Be Rooted and Established in Love

Jesus Said I Give You a New Commandment

The Universal Call of Building Each Other Up in Love

The Amazing Glory of Our Lord Revealed in His Holy Thrones Allows Your Heart to be in Awe

Our Need for an Awe Struck Heart that Results in Acceptable Worship

Where is the Throne of God? Where is the Temple of God?

Is the Throne of God Forever? What does the Throne of God Look Like?

The Throne of Grace, a Provision from the Lord

What do We Find Around the Throne of the Almighty God

The Judgement Seat of Christ Section 1 of 3

The Judgement Seat of Christ Section 2 of 3

The Judgement Seat of Christ Section 3 of 3

HIS Joy, Our Food, Our Joy Complete and Full

Through God’s Precious Promises We can be Transformed and Experience Spirit

Principal of Adding to Our Faith and Nurturing Spiritual Growth

Living for HIS Joy

Our God is Faithful and His Promises are True

May Joy Unspeakable be Yours in Abundance

His Crucifixion Foretold His Glorious Resurrection and Gives Us
Hope for Today and Tomorrow

Obedience to His Commandments Brings True Joy to Our Hearts

Identifying the Joy Blockers in our Life and Having the Humility to ask The Lord for His Help

We are Complete, in Him Allow Your Joy to be Full

Reflection on Our Life Before Christ, Reflection on Our New Life in Christ

At the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Whom Having not Seen you Love

The Power of God’s Holy Promise to Transform

The Rapture - Are we Ready to Meet The Lord in the Air?

The Revelation of Jesus Christ Came to Us Via the Preaching of His Living Word

Acts 1:8 - But you shall receive power when The Holy Spirit has come upon you

Spiritual Disciplines that will Prepare Us for Kingdom Service

Jesus The Lamb of God who Takes Away the Sins of the World (John 1:29)

Jesus Fulfilled The Feast of Unleavened Bread, Jesus is The Bread of Life From Heaven

Jesus has Become the First Fruits of Those who have Fallen Asleep

Pentecost Feast of Weeks

Take Heed Let No One Deceive You

The Deception of False Apostles and Prophets

Guarding our Faith by Controlling our Tongue

The Importance of Guarding Your Most Precious Faith

Above All Taking the Shield of Faith

Dangers of Being Deceived by Desires, Enticements, and Temptations

Inviting Jesus into Your Every Care Including the Spiritual Battles of this Earthly Journey

True Belief in God’s Holy Promises and His Unchanging Love for You Protects

Understanding that We are New Creations in Christ and We have God as Our Father Now

Complete Dependency on Jesus Utilizing The Armor of God

Watch, be Brave, be Sober Minded, and Let All that You do be in Love

Victory is Ours in Christ

His Life Blood Given, Our Crucified Sinful Nature, His Seed, Our Birth by The Spirit

We have been Crucified with Christ Romans 6 Water Baptism Prep

What Hinders Me from being Baptized

Identify the Joy Blockers and Let The Rejoicing Begin

Jesus is The Exclusive Source of our Joy so Exalt Him

God Desires You to Experience Complete and Full Joy

For You Died, and Your Life is Hidden with Christ in God

Step by Step Instructions to Walk with The Lord

Take Heed to Fulfill the Ministry You have Received in the Lord, that You may Fulfill it

Gospel Presentation - the Fall of Man, the Grace of God

Gospel Presentation - God has Purposed that we Should Walk in the Abundant Life Having Peace with God

Jesus Christ is the Only Way to be Reconciled to God

Gospel Presentation - Understanding the Separation Helps Us Appreciate our Reconciliation in Christ

Gospel Presentation - Separated Birth By The Spirit Regeneration Reconciled Transformation

Gospel Presentation - Jesus Preached Repent and Believe

Gospel Presentation - The Divine Spiritual Works of Jesus Christ The Lord

Gospel Presentation - The Exclusivity of The Lord Jesus Christ

The Divine Works of The Lord Jesus Christ

The Messiah

The Messiah 2

You have Received Christ Jesus the Lord, so Walk in Him

New Years Exhortation 2023

Ephesians 3:16 - That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened

By God’s Grace We Have Been Saved from the Wrath of God

Noah Found Grace in God’s Sight

Moses Found Grace in the Sight of The Lord

Forgiveness an Extension of God’s Grace

Forgiveness an Extension of God’s Amazing Grace

Enter and Remain in His Grace by Faith in Jesus

Unforgiveness can Lead to a House being Divided

Understanding Where we are in God’s Prophetic Calendar

Understanding God’s Times and Seasons

Appointed Times from Birth by the Spirit to the Resurrection of The Righteous to The Judgement Seat

Our Great God is Faithful Remember His Faithfulness to You

Jesus the Lamb of God He is Awesome

Jesus is the End of the Law to All who Believe

Jesus has Paid what the Law Required for our Sin Debt EXALT HIM

Jesus!!! His Passion, Jesus!!! His Journey to the Cross, our Salvation

Jesus Is Alive, Jesus is Alive, Jesus is Alive!!!

The Crucified Christ Jesus The Lord

Jesus Gave His Disciples Teachings for Kingdom Living

The Teachings of Jesus for Kingdom Living Part 2

The Teachings of Jesus for Kingdom Living Part 3

The Teachings of Jesus for Kingdom Living Part 4 This is My Beloved Son Listen to Him

The Teachings of Jesus for Kingdom Living Part 5 Jesus calls us to come to Him and Find Rest

The Teachings of Jesus for Kingdom Living Part 6 the True DNA of a Kingdom Disciple

The Teachings of Jesus For Kingdom Living Part 7 Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees and Saducees

Jesus said when You See these Things Taking Place do not be Troubled but be Ready

Jesus said that HE has Gone to Prepare a Place for Us and He will Take Us to be with HIM Forever

Jesus has Taught Us to Watch, Pray and Obey

The Teachings of Jesus For Kingdom Living Part 8 Jesus Said Follow Me I will Make you Fishers of Men

Our Heavenly Father is a Great Great Father

Jesus has Provided Everything we Need for us to Walk in the Victorious Life

Jesus Teaches about Trust and Hope for Kingdom Living

Walking in Kingdom Hope

The Teachings of Jesus Concerning True Belief for Kingdom Living

The Teachings of Jesus for Kingdom Living True Belief Creates the Eternal Mindset

The Teachings of Jesus for Kingdom Living You are the Salt of the Earth

The Response from Jesus to People of Great Faith

The Teachings of Jesus Remembering to Offer up Spiritual Sacrifices unto The Father in Jesus Name

The Teachings of Jesus for Kingdom Living Understanding the Foundations of complete Joy

The Teachings of Jesus For Kingdom Living Agreement with God Produces Joy

The Teachings of Jesus For Kingdom Living No Joy for the Wicked but Healing for the Contrite and Humble

Jesus Desires us to Grow and Mature Spiritually

The Teachings of Jesus He Desires us to Conform to the Likeness of His Son our Spiritual Growth is Important

We will be Caught up in the Air. This will Happen

The Apostasy is Imminent Thank God for Rapture

It is God’s Will that His Children Reflect His Image to the World

The Overview of God's Seven Dispensations Ages

Judgement is a Part of End Time Events

Our God is Merciful to the Righteous and Holy to the Wicked

Understanding the Bema Seat

The Great Army from the North and Tribulation Period

Fear and Fear Not Both are Commanded

Exalting the Lord Jesus

Blessed Assurance God’s Word is Truth

Jesus Light of the World

The Father Provides, Guides, and Protects His Children

Times and Seasons Christ came at the Fullness of Time

The Greatness of Jesus Christ

New Years Eve 2023 Exhortation

Jesus Light of the World Walk in the Light of His Word

Discipleship Cost Everything

Living to Bring Glory to God

The Glory of God

Celebrate His Truth and Bring Glory to God

Recognize HIS Presence and Worship HIS Majesty

Growing in the Lord as the Lord Grants Grace

Faith and Spiritual Growth

Belief In God’s Great and Precious Promise Causes Spiritual Growth

The Mind Must be Set to Grow in the Lord

The Blessed Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has Power, Peace, and Joy. Just Ask

The Holy Spirit has Many Ministries and he is at Work in Us and through Us

By the Helper the Precious Holy Spirit We can have Victory Over the Deeds
and Thoughts of the Flesh

Jesus Fulfilled the Spring Holy Days

Jesus Fullfills Zechariah 9:9 Hosanna Hosanna

Jesus has Risen from the Dead

Preparations for Holy Communion

Jesus has Ascended into the Heavens and the Apostles are Living out His Mission

The Apostle Focused on a few Things After the Ascension

The Holy Boldness to Speak the Word of God to the People Came from The Holy Spirit of God

The Holy Boldness of the First Church as an Example for All of Us to Live Out

The Accusations against God’s Servant Stephen Stand in Righteousness Church

Oneness of the Body of Christ the Holy Requirement of Telling the Truth

Cornelius Lived a Life Worthy of Honor

When the Holy Spirit is Given

The Power of The Acceptable Fasting

Purpose in your Life with His Mission and His Value Set

Soul Winners For Jesus Christ 910 N Main St
Dayton OH 45406
937 220-9488
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