Soul Winners for Jesus Christ

non-denominational evangelistic association

The main focus of our hands-on ministry is working with the less fortunate.

Push the play button for an audible invitation to the concert of Prayer


for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost
Luke 19:10 NKJV

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Greetings and Blessings !!!

Thank You for your amazing support of The Annual Concert of Prayer; HIS Kingdom work year after year !!!

The Choir Practices for The Annual Concert of Prayer; will be held once per month on Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM at the (Soul Winners For Jesus Christ Outreach Chapel located @ 910 North Main Street Dayton, Ohio 45405) leading up to our night of fervent prayer.

Lord willing The Annual Concert of Prayer will be held on Friday September 26th, 2025.

The live Rehearsal will be Thursday September 25, 2025 @ 6:30PM.

This year Sister Davida Mckinney will be leading the Choir. Thank You Sister Davida for answering the call !

We are thankful for the 20 Years of faithfulness and leadership that Bishop Samuel N. Winston Jr. gave of Himself. Additionally, First Lady Chanel Winston sacrificed year after Year. What an example they are to all of Us.

We have parking available in the rear and across street @ 925 N. Main Street @ Dominion Academy.

Additional parking lot security will be provided during our rehearsals.

If You need a ride please call Sister Suchi 937-581-0179

Please feel free to forward this letter to any vocalist that loves Jesus !

We are looking for a gifted keyboard player that can play by ear.. If You know someone, please provide our contact data to them.

Looking forward to seeing You soon !!!!!

Kind Regards,

Pastor Scott


Eternal Life Consultants< /br> Eternal Life Consultants

Our Mission
To help others come to know the Love of Jesus Christ. To promote witnessing, love and fellowship in the body of Christ in the Miami Valley and abroad.

Who We Are
Soul Winners for Jesus Christ is a growing, International network of witnessing Christians who are deliberately training disciples to reach the lost of the Miami Valley and abroad. We are actively communicating the gospel through open-air presentations and the development of discipleship training materials. Soul Winners is committed to demonstrating God’s love to those in our circle of influence. Those efforts include assisting single mothers, reaching out to the homeless, and street-by-street evangelism.

Concert of Prayer      See the printable Brochure

 Every year since the year 2000, Soul Winners for Jesus Christ hosts the Annual Concert of Prayer in the Miami Valley. The concert is a truly unique worship service focusing on prayer for the lost souls, the Miami Valley, unity in the Body of Christ, and the safety of our community and country. The Concert of Prayer is an evening of worship unto the Lord Jesus Christ, giving individuals from across the Miami Valley the opportunity to pray as one body.

During the Concert of Prayer, we pray over Gold Boxes that contain Prayer Cards with names of loved ones that need the Gift of Eternal Life in Jesus Christ. The boxes have never been opened since the first Concert of Prayer in the year 2000.

Virtual Gold Box
Prayer Requests in Gold Box

Add the name of a loved one to a virtual prayer card that will be placed in Gold Boxes. Prayer will focus on the souls of individuals whose names are placed onto a prayer card and placed in Gold Boxes who are in need of the Free Gift of Eternal Life.

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If you would like to partner with and support the ministry, please visit the Donations page, or use the button below

Please Donate to Soul Winners for Jesus Christ

Soul Winners For Jesus Christ 910 N Main St
Dayton OH 45406
937 220-9488
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